
Average score 729 Reviews
shaina zhou noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very tasty (Original) 非常好吃

6 months ago
Gilles Delannoy noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant for the price and good welcome from people who criticize going to Mc Do (Original) Resto très bien pour le prix et bon accueil les gens qui critique aller chez mc do

6 months ago
Khannikar ORENGO noted on Google

7 months ago
Laurent Saltzmann noted on Google

7 months ago
Jean-louis Ferrucci noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Well-kept indoor Asian restaurant it has a fairly large bank with varieties of different dishes that I find mostly to my taste as in many of this type of restaurant possibility of grilling (not wook)) serving service at the table good, welcome (Original) Restaurant Asiatique intérieur bien tenu il a une assez grande banque avec des variétés de différents plats que je trouve pour la plupart a mon goût comme dans beaucoup de ce type de restaurant possibilité de faire des grillades ( pas wook )) service de desserte a la table bien , accueil bien

7 months ago
Brigitte Oliveres noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always so good, a treat, (Original) Toujours aussi bon , un régal,

7 months ago
Jean Marc Bussod noted on Google

7 months ago
Fred Fred 3971 noted on Google

8 months ago
Kekemtnz 11 noted on Google

8 months ago
Marie -france Bocquel noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Nice but lacking in room staff (Original) Sympa mais manqué de personnel en salle

8 months ago

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